Correct Usage of jstranslator.xml in Magento


I'm attempting to translate the error messages returned by the Postcode Anywhere module. They're displayed in browser alerts, so are created in JavaScript.

I managed to translate one using the inline script method as below:

alert( Translator.translate(error) );

Translator.add('PostalCode Required', '<?php echo $this->__('Translated text here'); ?>');

I don't really like that though because it means I have inline JavaScript, and a translation held within a template file when all my other translations are held in the global locale folder. In an attempt to make this cleaner, I've tried to use the newer jstranslate method but I can't get it functioning correctly.

Edit: Here's a link to the tutorial I followed:

I have a module config.xml defining a module like so (Client is used to replace the real name for privacy purposes):


Inside the frontend -> layout sections of the config.xml file I have added:


Inside the frontend section of the config.xml I have added:


I have created the jstranslator.xml file in the same location as the module config.xml file:

    <client-postcodeanywhere-required translate="message" module="client_postcodeanywhere">
        <message>PostalCode Required</message>

I have created the Client_PostcodeAnywhere.csv file in my fr_FR folder within global locale folder (translating English to French):

"PostalCode Required","Translated text here"

I don't get a translation after doing this and I don't know why. Does anyone understand what the xml tags in the jstranslator file need to be? Mine is called 'client-postcodeanywhere-required' but I don't even know what that means.

Best Answer


  • A module must be declared
  • This module must be ready to receive translations (.csv files + Helpers and translate node must be declared in the module's config.xml)
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