Magento – Country flag images


Are there default country flag images somewhere, or is it my resposibilitiy to supply these images if I want a flag-ased language selector? I could not find any, but there is a flags.phtml for the switch block. Am I missing something?

Best Answer

This JS-Snippet will extend Textlinks to the standard select (additional CSS needed to hide standard select). Works for 1.9. You might want to use images instead text:

// Helper
Element.addMethods("SELECT", (function() {
    function getSelectedOptionHTML(element) {
        if (!(element = $(element))) return;
        var index = element.selectedIndex;
        return index >= 0 ? element.options[index].innerHTML : undefined;

    return {
        getSelectedOptionHTML: getSelectedOptionHTML

// Language Chooser: Extend Text Links
var languageselected = $('select-language').getSelectedOptionHTML();
var activeLangClass = "active";
if ($(".your-flag-container")){
$$('#select-language option').each(function(item) {
    var t = item.text;
    var v = item.value;

    var tpl = "<span class='your-flag-container'><a class='your-single-flag your-single-flag-" + t + "' href='" + v + "' title='" + t + "' >" + t + "</a></span>";

$$(".your-single-flag-" + languageselected)[0].addClassName(activeLangClass);
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