Coupon Code Applies to One Product Instead of Whole Cart – Magento Fix


we created shopping cart price rule to give 50 % discount for all cart subtotal.

but coupon code is applying only for one product.

in cart 2 items,

Product 1 [ price - 100] , 
Product 2 [ price - 400] , 
total price = 500

when we applied coupon code, it should give 50 % discount and display as "250" , but now its displaying as "50" as discount is applying only for one product.

enter image description here

enter image description here

same coupon code working fine in another site [], i am 100 % sure both have same configuration.

Best Answer

In order to apply discount to cart subtotal, you should apply the rule to whole cart. You applied to product price so it is calculated for a product only.