Magento – Create customer with REST API – password does not work


i'm creating customers with the REST-API and trying to give each customer an initial password.
Problem is, that when the customers try to log on to the shop with their mail-address, loggin in is rejected because of a wrong password.

This is my code for creating customers in C#:

customerLocal.Password = "defaultpassword123!";  
customerLocal.TaxVat = String.Empty;  
customerLocal.CustomerCategory = "3";  
request = new RestRequest("customers", Method.POST);  
request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;  
restClient = new RestApiClient();  
restResult = restClient.Execute(request);  

after executing, customer is created, but the password isn't accepted when logging in.

I've also tried to encrypt the password with md5:

customerLocal.Password = System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile("defaultpassword123!", "MD5");

This isn't working too.

Best Answer

I tried this already then I study about this, As according to my knowledge its unable to set password for the customer from API. Because in magento they are using a filter inside the customer create methode like this $data = $validator->filter($data);. So here the password which we sent is filtered. To avoid this I get the password before filter and set it after the filter as shown below. Change REST API customer create method in magento like this, it may solve your problem.

protected function _create(array $data)
        $password = $data['password'];
        $validator = Mage::getResourceModel('api2/validator_eav', array('resource' => $this));
        $data = $validator->filter($data);
        $data['password'] = $password;
        if (!$validator->isValidData($data))
            foreach ($validator->getErrors() as $error)
                $this->_error($error, Mage_Api2_Model_Server::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);

        $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer');

            $customer->setPassword($data['password']);      //added

        catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e)
            $this->_error($e->getMessage(), Mage_Api2_Model_Server::HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR);
        catch (Exception $e)
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