Create Magento Payment Method Module with Custom Form


I'm relatively new to Magento, and I'm having a little difficulty with creating a payment method module with a custom form (based on my needs). I've already followed two or three tutorials (one of them on the official Magento website), but none of them covered the front-end part of the module. This tutorial for example, shows how to create a payment method module which derives from the paygate module, and it has its own form.

OK, I understand that perhaps that is not the intention of those tutorials, but as I'm new to Magento development I'll need that kind of guide I guess.

By my understanding, it has to do with blocks and templates, but that's as far as I've gone. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

You need to define a protected class variable in your payment method class:

protected $_formBlockType = 'mymodule/form';

resulting in form template app/design/frontend/*/*/template/mymodule/form.phtml.

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