Magento – Cron Job Magento 2.2 fail – Class ‘IntlDateFormatter’ not found in


System set up:

  • Magento 2.2
  • PHP version 7.1.13 fastcgi with Intl installed
  • Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS‬
  • Plesk version: 17.0.17

Elements to the cron set up

  • magento.cron.log
  • update.cron.log
  • setup.cron.log

Using plesk to schedule cron to the relevant domain on the server

  • magento.cron.log = error
  • update.cron.log = works
  • setup.cron.log = error
  • magento.cron.log = error

PHP Fatal error: Class 'IntlDateFormatter' not found in
/vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/Factory/AbstractFactory.php on
line 111

Some queries suggest removing; from; extension=php_intl.dll

as I cannot directly edit the php.ini (1&1 VPS server) I need to check this will work or any other suggestions?

just to add: setup.cron.log = error. this is without an error notice but I assume that as magento.cron.log is in error it won't work because of that.

Best Answer

  1. Check whether you have mcrypt module or not

php -m | grep mcrypt

  1. If not present, install it

sudo apt-get install php7.0-mcrypt

  1. Enable the module

sudo phpenmod mcrypt

  1. Restart Apache and php-fpm

sudo service apache2 restart

sudo service php-fpm restart

There are chances that it may not work if you have two php installed in the system. One with Apace/php-fpm and one through CLI. In order to be sure that mcrypt is enabled. Creat a file testmcrypt.php in your root and with below code.


Run the file your browser and check if you can see the mcrypt module in the page.

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