Magento 2 – Cron Job Status Always Missed/Not Running


So I have a magento 2 instance running on ubuntu and I have some confusion about cron jobs. I know that magento 2 needs to have scheduled jobs in order to work correctly, but I am unable to find out how to get it set up correctly. I have read the dev docs, and followed this article. Currently, I'm not getting any errors I can see on the magento side, but I'm having issues with things changing correctly (i.e. changing menu options/product options). I have also changed the Missed if Not Run Within field to be longer than the jobs per this The cron_schedule table has all statuses as missed. I am not trying to do any custom jobs, just whatever default ones it needs to operate.

Best Answer

Run these commands from your Magento directory:

php bin/magento cron:install

php bin/magento cron:run

and check if all jobs are running by schedule.

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