Magento2 PHP – CSS and Admin Panel Not Working in Magento 2 Community Edition


Hello I have installed Magento2 on my local Server in Ubuntu 14.

I downloaded it from official magento website without sample data.

I installed it and I am got this screen
enter image description here

When I clicked on frontend url i got this screen
enter image description here

When I clicked on Admin Url I got this screen
enter image description here

I am not getting what went wrong from my side any help will be appreciable

Best Answer

Go to Database in "core_config_data" table there is "web/seo/use_rewrites" set it to 0.

after that clear cache:

bin/magento cache:flush

reindex all:

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

Use url: http://localhost/MagentoCE/index.php/admin

Give permission to pub folder

chmod 777 -R pub 

after that delete below folder




After deleting folder run below command

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
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