Magento – CSS Caching.. Where is it hiding


I'm getting a bit frustrated with caching as I can't figure out where the CSS files are being cached, and I'm hoping someone can help me out.

Here's the situation.

  • I am amending the RWD theme to create a custom design
  • when I make changes to the phtml or xml files, flushing cache allows me to see the changes
  • when I change to make changes to the CSS files, I can see them being compiled by compass, and I can see my changes on the server in the newly created styles.css file
  • No matter which cache I clear, I don't see the changes on the site until an arbitrary amount of time later. Some Times 5 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes plus
  • If I browse to the CSS file location from a browser, the changes are not there, yet FTPing to the site, I see the changes.

Here are the various methods I have tried to clear cache (I have done all of these together with no success):

  • Through admin – flush cache, flush cache storage, flush CSS/JS, clear full page cache
  • Deleting contents of var/cache
  • Deleting contents of media/css and media/css_secure
  • Flushing browser cache
  • Turned off merging of CSS files in admin

I have even tried a browser on a separate PC that has never loaded the site before, and the changes are not visible.

Am I doing something silly? I hope so, but at present, I just can't complete my design as I can't test the changes I am making to the CSS in live without a massive time overhead.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Best Answer

You're probably over this, but just for other people that have this issue with their magento system. I had this and I was really frustrated about it.

  • I've disabled all caching
  • I've changed the htaccess in case it didn cash something.
  • I even change magento core functions and backend configuration to make sure it isn't doing anything to the system.
  • I also get back my changing track, in case I've done something to the system while changing.
  • I also Look up the database but the database was working very well.

Nothing worked then, It turned out that the problem is the server, that said "...Your account as requiring an inordinate amount of server resources..." After upgrading this issue was gone.

enter image description here

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