Currency Position Configuration in Magento


i have tried change the currency position of my website

it looks like: 200,00 R$

the corrency symbol should looks before the price, like this: R$ 200,00

well, have followed some tutorials, like:

pls, need some help with that issue.


Best Answer

Which language do you have set up on your store? It should be that file. The symbol below represents your currency symbol, change it's location.


Then open your FTP tool or SSH and delete all contents in the var/cache/ folder. Then it should work. If you have English set up on your store, edit the en.xml file. (I tried this on a demo store I use, and doing this works)

Follow every single step here: and you will succeed:

  1. [In your Magento root, navigate to] /lib/Zend/Locale/Data

  2. Download your language file (us.xml) for example

  3. Open the xml file in any text or xml editor

  4. search for <currencyFormat>

  5. In the following line there is [a <pattern> element], change it from:



    <pattern>#,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)</pattern>

    [i.e. move the currency symbol]

  6. Save the local file, and upload it again to server, overwriting the old one.
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