Magento – Current Store View configurable products option label translation


For some reason I don't know the attribute option/labels for store view is not working and I don't want to use csv files for translations, therefore I find out that the options are generated by Code/Core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/View/Type/Configurable.php

I managed to translate the attribute label by changing the $productAttribute->getLabel() to $productAttribute->getStoreLabel() in line 170

However the attribute options labels are still showing the Global label instead of store view label.

How can make the 'label' => $value['label'] to something like above to show the current store view option label?


Best Answer

Question is a little bit older, but i had the same problem! And maybe there are some others :-)

So, my solution:

Go to Catalog -> Manage Products and edit your super product.

Goto Tab Associated products. In Super product attributes configuration check for each configurable attribute the Use default. Then, Magento will use the default translation like normal attributes (which you have to define in Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes -> Edit Attribute -> Manage Labale/Options.

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