Magento – Custom Admin controller not displaying in magento


I have created easylife admincontroller and it configure the config.xml, and I give the Url-> protocal://Ipaddress/ics/admin/admintest but it's not displaying.

can any one tell me where I went wrong?

my code is:



class Ics_EasyLife_Adminhtml_IndexController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
    public function indexAction()


class Ics_EasyLife_Block_Adminhtml_Template extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form
    public function MyMethod()
        echo "Admin Html Page Method";



thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I don't like that method of providing your own frontName, I prefer to overload the existing admin router because it's neat and quick. Start by changing this in your config.xml:

                    <ics_easylife before="Mage_Adminhtml">Ics_EasyLife_Adminhtml</ics_easylife>

This will make magento check for controller classes that start with Ics_EasyLife_Adminhtml before checking it's own Mage_Adminhtml. Rename your controller to Ics_EasyLife_Adminhtml_EasylifeController and rename it's corresponding file to EasylifeController.php.

Now an URL of adminhtml/easylife will expand to http://ipaddress/ics/admin/easylife/index and call your indexAction method. When making a menu entry use that URL of adminhtml/easylife. Even if you don't have any layout or blocks in place yet at least a page will show. When writing a layout use the layout handle <adminhtml_easylife_index>.

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