Custom Admin Grid Without Database in Magento 1.9

gridmagento-1.9order-gridweb services

I created a grid in the Magento admin, but the functionality like sort, filter and search doesn't work and that is because I didn't use a database table to get the information. I use a web service that connects with redmine and I get all the information. I reviewed and I founded that the default sort, search and filter of the Magento grid only works with models or collections, but I can't find a way to do the same but with my own collection (in this case the info that I get from the web service)

Best Answer

Thought I'd post this as I feel it contributes, but it does not fully answer your question.

I've recently hacked together something that supports an admin panel grid from a non-database source, however it was not built with web-service calls in mind.

It might be useful for people in the future if they want to embark on this kind of functionality to see what I've done.