Magento – Custom Field Value Not Getting Saved


I have created one custom blog module. For adminpanel Post form i have one field named "identifier". When i save the form all field values getting saved except the "identifier" field.I have tried following too

public function saveAction() {
    if ($data = $this->getRequest()->getPost('post')) {
        try {
            $data = $this->_filterDates($data, array('post_date'));
            $post = $this->_initPost(); 
            $post->setData('identifier', $data['identifier']);

But not getting saved. Please help me.

Best Answer

change your code as below

        $data = $this->_filterDates($data, array('post_date'));
        $post = $this->_initPost(); 
        $post->setData('identifier', $data['identifier']);