Magento 1.9 – Custom Images in Responsive Email Header File


I have upgraded to Magento and see that Magento has implemented a new way to include the header and footer of e-mails in transactional e-mails. Great!

I have succesfully included the header.phtml file with {{template config_path="design/email/header"}}. However, in header.phtml I want to add custom images. In the default file of Magento the logo is included by using {{var logo_url}}.

However, a command which I would normally use is not working:

Anyone got an idea on how to include custom images in the header of your transactional e-mails?

Best Answer

Getting image URLs is done with the following snippets:

{{skin url="path/to/file.jpg" _area="frontend"}}


{{media url='path/to/file.jpg'}}

More about this on this blogpost