Magento – Custom Layered Navigation Color Filter


I'm developing magento store with couple of thousands of products. Most products have combined color e.g. "black/green/white" (not three separate colors, for example a purse has black, green and white elements).

Because of this the list of colors in the layered navigation filter is really huge and ugly. I have something like "black/green", "black/green/white", "black/white" etc. What I want to do is form a normal list of colors like "black", "green", "white" etc. And then when the customer clicks on say "black", he can see all the products that have "black" as part of their combined color.

Is this possible? And if so, where should I start digging?

Best Answer

It is a duplicate. Here is an answer.

Create a new Color attribute (and delete the current one or you should modify the database) and set Catalog input type for store owner to Multiple Select.

To modify the current attribute, run the SQL after you change xyz to your attribute_id:

UPDATE `eav_attribute` SET `frontend_input`='multiselect' WHERE `attribute_id`=xyz LIMIT 1;