Magento – Custom Magento Theme Not Showing


I have installed a magento theme (Milano), which installs at:


I want to customize this theme and I have set up new theme directories:


with a varied css at


In System->Configuration->Design I have changed the Skin to mycustomtheme and left everything else as the default milano, but it still won't show the customisation to the css on my store.

I have refreshed the cache and reindexed the data.

I have also checked the System > Design and there is no design themes listed there either.

Best Answer

You can utilize 4 theme fallbacks via System > Configuration. You should set it up as follows:

enter image description here

This way, when Magento looks for a theme file (design or skin), it will look through the package/themes and use whatever it finds first (in this order):

  1. default/mycustomtheme
  2. default/milano
  3. default/default (even though it's not specified, Magento will always use the default theme of a package)
  4. base/default (this theme is always included last)

Other things to check:

  • Change store scope and make sure your settings are making it down to the store view
  • Check var/log/. It's possible that your files aren't readable/visible/misplaced
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