Magento 1.9 – Fix 404 Error on Save in Custom Module Admin Panel


In /magento1/app/code/local/Maddyboy/Instagramapi/etc/config.xml:

                  <instagramapi translate="title" module="instagramapi">
                    <title>Instagram Slider</title>

In /magento1/app/code/local/Maddyboy/Instagramapi/etc/system.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <instagramapi translate="label" module="instagramapi">
            <label>Instagram Slider</label>

        <instagramapi translate="label" module="instagramapi">
            <label>Api Settings</label>
                <section_one translate="label">
                    <label>Section One</label>
                            <label>Custom Text Field</label>
                            <comment>Example of text field.</comment>         

when I enter some dummy data and click on save I got a 404 error.

URL after save:


Best Answer

in your config.xml in (or adminhtml.xml) you should have

            <title>Allow Everything</title>
                                <instagramapi translate="title" module="instagramapi">
                                    <title>Instagram Slider</title>

Then in your system.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <instagramapi_tab translate="label" module="instagramapi">
            <label>Instagram Slider</label>

        <instagramapi translate="label" module="instagramapi">
            <label>Api Settings</label>
                <section_one translate="label">
                    <label>Section One</label>
                            <label>Custom Text Field</label>
                            <comment>Example of text field.</comment>         

Be sure to log off and on again after each change to the acls. If needed, flush the magento cache ("Flush Magento Cache")

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