Magento – Custom module Admin URL redirect to frontend 404-Notfound


I've got a block and I want to display something from my custom database backend but I get 404 error.

Here is the code


    <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <emailorder translate="title" module="emailorder">
        <title>Email Ordre</title>
            <title>Email Orders</title>

          <title>Allow Everything</title>
            <emailorder translate="title" module="emailorder">
              <title>Email Order</title>
          <emailorderbackend translate="title">
            <title>Email Orders</title>




class Puk_EmailOrder_Adminhtml_IndexController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
    public function indexAction()



class Puk_EmailOrder_Block_Monblock extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
     public function methodblock()
        //on initialize la variable
        /* we are doing the query to select all elements of the pfay_test table (thanks to our model test/test and we sort them by id_pfay_test */
     $collection = Mage::getModel('emailorder/emailorder')->getCollection()
         /* then, we check the result of the query and with the function getData() */
        foreach($collection as $data)
             $retour .= $data->getData('product_name').' '.$data->getData('location')
                     .' '.$data->getData('date_for').'<br />';
         //i return a success message to the user thanks to the Session.
         return $retour;

Hope someone can help

Best Answer

You'll need to provide more information. You're config.xml is completely wrong though. This should help get you started.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
                        <Puk_EmailOrder before="Mage_Adminhtml">Puk_EmailOrder_Adminhtml</Puk_EmailOrder>

Your menu stuff should be in adminhtml.xml thats also wrong too:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <awesome translate="title" module="puk_emailOrder">
        <title>Your Title</title>
            <example translate="title" module="puk_emailOrder">

You will need to provide us your layout XML, you can create the block in the controller but you shouldn't do this IMO.

You will also get an error when you add your adminhtml because you need to add a helper for translations. I recommend following a tutorial online to be honest.

This one looks okay, although as mentioned I'd move the block creation to layout xml.

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