Magento 1.9 – Custom Module and Cron Setup


I have a little problem (which should be easy to solve), with a custom module I try to execute through crontab. For now, the only thing it is supposed to do is to print a log entry in dev.log file. Unfortunately, it doesn't, that's why I look for some help.

Below is how I've created my module.


<?xml version="1.0"?>


<?xml version="1.0"?>


                <schedule><cron_expr>* * * * *</cron_expr></schedule>


class Mycompany_Cronmodule_Model_Observer {

    public function test(){
        Mage::log("TEST success", null, "dev.log");

I have configured my windows task manager to execute cron.php every 5 minutes which works perfectly to send Magento emails (I run a local instance on a local windows with wamp).

Do you have any hints ?

Best Answer

It seems, that I have nothing wrong in my code, after cleaning the cache, I can see in the table magentocron_schedule a lot of Cronmodule tasks pending (and some executed). I also have my output in my log file which is perfect.

Thanks to this post to give me the hint to clean the cache: Can't get cron job to work

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