Magento 2 – Custom Module Classes Not Loading


I'm trying to create a module for my Magento 2 installation because I need to change some behaviours.
I followed this guide to build a module which basically (at the moment) just wants to override a method for GroupManagement class in Customer Model. The matter is that when I run the setup:upgrade command everything seems to be ok, but then every request to the site gets an exception.
I looked into logs and found that my class is not found (there is a ReflectionException "class does not exist"). What it seems to me is that something is missing telling the autoloader to load my module's namespace. Should I manually update some autoloader.php file? I don't think that's intended as a solution, but what am I missing?

Best Answer

From your comments I gather your module is being developed under app/code and you are not following psr-0 conventions for your classes (code is under a custom src folder inside of your module). This is fine, but still, since composer is not aware of modules installed under app/code, it won't know about your psr-4 definitions.

As a workaround for that, you could enter your psr-4 classpaths in the project composer.json (the one which is found in the project root), and then run composer dump-autoload to regenerate the vendor/autoload.php and all its related files. Even if it is not the cleanest solution, it would still work in your case.

But very important to note: your should never manually edit the autoloader files, since they are re-generated every time you install a new module via composer for example. Also, you probably don't want to put your vendor folder under version control, your edits would be lost then.