Magento – Custom module: translate string in Mage::throwException


I'm new to Magento and I've just built a custom module for a store. The module observes the event sales_order_place_before, and checks with an outside source if an item is still in stock. When the customer wants to pay for the order and a product in the cart is out of stock, I throw an error in my Observer.php model. It appears as a popup for the customer.

    Mage::throwException("item not in stock");

Is it possible to throw this error in multiple languages, for example English and Dutch? And how does that work? I can't seem to make sense of how to use translations in an observer instead of frontend. And since this is just a custom string, it could be anything, I would not be overwriting any Magento error.

My module's config xml (I've removed the actual namespace and module name). Do I define a helper like this? What do I put in the helper?




I have created a helper with an empty class in Helper/Data.php in my module:

class Namespace_Modulename_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract{}

I've added the csv file in app/locale/nl_NL

Best Answer

Please try this but not sure

               Mage::throwException($this->__("item not in stock"));    //or
               Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('core')->__("item not in stock"));
