Magento – Custom price.phtml file for product view template


How do I create a custom price.phtml file and display it on the product view page?

Use case: I have updated the price.phtml file under product > view to add rich snippets / structured data. And, I would like to create a new price.phtml file so that I can use it for 'Related Products' which appear on the Product View page.

=== Update ===

I have updated catalog.xml as below,

    <reference name="right">  
            <block type="enterprise_targetrule/catalog_product_list_related" name="catalog.product.related" as="relatedProducts" template="targetrule/catalog/product/list/related.phtml"> 
                <action method="setColumnCount"><columns>3</columns></action>
                <block type="enterprise_targetrule/catalog_product_item" name="catalog.product.related.item" template="targetrule/catalog/product/list/related/item.phtml">  
                     <action method="addPriceBlockType">  
                        <block name="myprice">catalog/product_price</block>  

Note that I have only added the simple price type block for now. And, the default related products block is being overridden by a module (as you can see in the above XML).

In myprice.phtml, I just have a simple echo statement.

As a follow up, can I call the custom price template in the related item block as below?

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('myprice'); ?>

Best Answer

Ugh. So messy.

  1. Create your custom price template(s) as desired
  2. Determine which block is "the related products block"; catalog.product.related.item works on a stock theme.
  3. For each product type (simple, configurable, etc.), add a price block template as needed.

You can test this out in your custom theme's layout.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <reference name="catalog.product.related.item">
            <action method="addPriceBlockType">
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