Magento 1.9 – Custom Text in Mail Template Based on Shipping Description

email-templatesglobal variablemagento-1.9

I want to insert custom text in email template, if shipping title = 'Pickup'.
I have followed this guide to make if statement work in mail template.

  1. I have inserted this in mail template.

    {{block type='core/template' area='frontend' template='email/shippingmail.phtml' order=$order}}
  2. I have created new phtml file called shippingmail.phtml
    with this code

    if ($this->getData('order')->getShippingDescription()=='Pickup') {
    echo nl2br(Mage::getStoreConfig('general/store_information/address')); }

But for some reason i can not make it show my store address i mail if shipping description is 'Pickup'.

What am i missing here?

Best Answer

I found out problem.

I had placed custom mail block "shippingmail.phtml" under my custom template.

Once i changed this this to default template it worked



Changed to this:

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