Magento – Custom widget’s template doesn’t show up in the front-end


So I have a custom widget with block defined in module's config.xml:



Block's file is under app/code/local/Phil/Gwidgets/Block/Slider.php

I believe this is where the problem starts. I insert the widget into Wysiwyg editor in back-and, refresh the front-end and it doesn't appear. I check system log and there's this error:

Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/share/php5/Mage/Phil/Gwidgets/Block/Slider.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/www/xyz/:/usr/bin/) in /home/www/xyz/html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/functions.php on line 145

So after setting up logging function in functions.php I've found out that these are the directories where autoloader attempts to find by block class:


It nearly does it here:


It would find it without '/Mage' in the path.

So the question is why Magento looks for Slider.php in ...local/Mage/... rather than ...local/....?

I'd appreciate any advice on how to fix this issue. 🙂

Best Answer

This problem appears because your php tries to access /usr/share/php5 directory but server does not allow that. Check permission of /usr/share/php5 directory.

Answering the question why this folder is in 'include_paths' - check your php.ini configuration and virtual host config maybe it is set there. Default value of include_paths is .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear.

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