Magento Customer Account Temporarily Disabled – Solutions for Magento 1.9 and 2


I am trying to call customer login api.


with body

    "username" : "",
    "password" : "fsfsdf"

I am getting an error

"You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled."

But i am able to login through magento website.This error is getting only for particular email ids.Please help me

Best Answer

This is an open issue in mganeto 2.


Magento2 keeps track of failed attempts to get a token with an email and the wrong password (in the oauth_token_request_log table). If the failures_count column reaches the max allowed value (which is 6 by default). then authentication fails.

A temporary solution that i have done, is running cron job that does this cleanup on the database.

DELETE FROM oauth_token_request_log;

The above SQL will runs in every 1 minute.