Magento – Customer doesn’t get feedback about VAT number during checkout


I configured the Enable Automatic Assignment to Customer Group based on VAT number for European customers. It works fine. If a European customer orders and enters a valid VAT number, the VAT is reduced to 0%.

But during checkout the customer doesn't receive feedback on the correctness of the entered VAT number. A lot of customers enter the wrong VAT number and then the VAT is not reduced.

I was expecting feedback to the customer about the validness of the VAT number, but my Magento installation doesn't give this feedback. Is this normal? How can I add this feedback?

Best Answer

You can try entering this code in class Mage_Customer_Helper_Data:

protected function _createVatNumberValidationSoapClient($trace = false)
    $options = array( 'soap_version'=>SOAP_1_1,
        'cache_wsdl'=> WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
        'user_agent' => 'Mozilla',
        'proxy_port' => 80);
    return new SoapClient(self::VAT_VALIDATION_WSDL_URL, $options);
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