Magento – Customer registration problem. Page reload after submit


I have two magento websites in domain and subdomain like and

In Domain website and admin panel works fine.
But In Subdomain website the customer registration not done.After submit it only reload the registration page. I also enable log and check the log file but there is no error.

Also In Subdomain admin panel.I can login and view the admin panel dashboard.I can also view pages and blocks. But I can't create new page and update the page.After click on save it simply reload the page.

I use nginx server.I didn't change nginx server configuration after creating subdomain.

Please give me suggestion.I face this problem since last week.

Best Answer

I had that issue some times ago, it is related to form key.

For some reason form key is missing in your template under persistent/customer/form/register.phtml and in your customer persistent/customer/form/login.phtml

put this code under your form

<?php echo $this->getBlockHtml('formkey'); ?>

This post will help you

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