Magento 2 – Customer Repository Interface, Limit Results


I'm trying to grab the oldest customer, using the customer repository from the database.

Here's my code so far:

    // if custom is active 
    $isActivefilter = $this->filter

    $isActiveFilterGroup = $this->filterGroup

    // ========== AND ========== //

    // if customer has an account id = $user
    $accountIdFilter = $this->filter

    $accountIdFilterGroup = $this->filterGroup

    // ========== SORT BY CREATED AT ========== // 

    // setting the sort order to ascending will bring the oldest records to the top 
    $sortByCreatedAt = $this->sortOrder

    $searchCriteria = $this->searchCriteria
        ->setFilterGroups([$isActiveFilterGroup, $accountIdFilterGroup])

So before I set the search criteria in getList($searchCriteria), I want to make sure I'm only querying for one result like limit 1

Is there a way to do that using the repository and search criteria?

Best Answer

Figured it out.

$searchCriteria = $this->searchCriteria

->setPageSize() limits the amount of entities in the query.

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