Magento – Customer Session is Empty In Custom Module


I have made a custom module which uses the customer session, but its strange, on live site its not returning customer data.

I have tried following methods:

$sessCustomer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session', array('name' => 'frontend'));
echo '<pre>';print_r($sessCustomer->getCustomer()->getData()); echo '</pre>';exit;

It returns:

    [website_id] => 1

If I print the customer session:


This returns:

    [_session_validator_data] => Array
            [remote_addr] => <MY IP>
            [http_via] => 
            [http_x_forwarded_for] => <MY IP>
            [http_user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0

    [session_hosts] => Array
                [] => 1
    [messages] => Mage_Core_Model_Message_Collection Object
                [_messages:protected] => Array

                [_lastAddedMessage:protected] => 
    [id] => 

I am logged in, can see the customer dashboard with customer info on it but not able to use that session in my custom module.

Please guide me how to fix this.


I have checked in /app/etc/local.xml that session type is file


So is there different method of extracting session info with PHP? What am I doing wrong?

Update 2:

i have used router as well to make pretty url

public function match(Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request)

on start of this action i placed

Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => 'frontend'));

but still not working with router without one it is working for example directly accessing the action :

it works but not with router. any thoughts? thanks,

Best Answer

What is the point of the second parameter in Mage::getSingleton()? This info would be passed to the constructor of the Mage_Customer_Model_Session class, but this constructor does not take arguments:

Replacing this by

$sessCustomer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session');

should work.

I assume, that you added your


after this error-nous call which could have destroyed the session in your module.

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