Magento 2.1 REST API – Get Customer Token by Customer Session


I am trying to add items to my cart by using the magento 2 Rest API.

Is it possible to get the Customer token by using the customer session?
I have looked into this and tried to implement a mix of a few ways to get the results i require.

public function getCustomerToken(){
  $result = "null";

  $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
  $customerSession = $objectManager->get('Magento\Customer\Model\Session');

  if($customerSession->isLoggedIn()) {
    $customerToken = $this->tokenModelFactory->create();
    $tokenKey = $customerToken->createCustomerToken($customerSession->getCustomer()->getId())->getToken();
    $result = $tokenKey;
    $result = "null";
  return $result;

This is what i have so far. This is currently throwing an error

Undefined property: Vendor\Module\Block\Index\Index::$tokenModelFactory

To add the items to the cart I need 3 things, the product sku, the quantity and the QuoteID.

to get the quote ID, i must create a cart for the user and to do this i need the customers token.

This is the article I have been learning from:

Is it possible to do what i am trying to?


Best Answer

From my own experiences, I could only seem to get the customer token using this -

This passes over the users email and password to get it, which isn't ideal.

I tried using the "/mine" and "/me" endpoint as well, but after Magento 2.1.7 or so, this no longer works.

I have achieved something similar to you though by using the customer email address to get their customer ID, and from this you can add items to their cart using -


This gives back a cart ID (quote ID) that can be used.

This method uses an admin bearer token in the request, which lets you add items to a customers / guest carts.

Edited in example -

The headers for these requests would look like -


Obviously with the generated admin bearer token.

Do a GET to /rest/V1/customers/search

Use the params to fill in the customer you're trying to finds email address (i'm using Postman here to test) -

enter image description here

Making the endpoint - /rest/V1/customers/search?searchCriteria[filter_groups][1][filters][0][field]=email&searchCriteria[filter_groups][1][filters][0][value][filter_groups][1][filters][0][condition_type]=eq

This will return information about the customer, including the customer ID -

    "items": [
            "id": 4,
            "group_id": 1,
            "default_billing": "3",
            "created_at": "2017-08-31 15:41:04",
            "updated_at": "2017-08-31 15:41:04",
            "created_in": "Default Store View",

You can also filter the response down to only get the email address ( but i'll skip that for now.

Now that you have the customer ID, you can start to populate their cart.

POST to /rest/V1/customers/{customerID}/carts

The response here will be used as the quote ID. For this example I will use "62" as the quote ID.

Now if you do a GET to rest/V1/carts/62

You will be able to see what parts still need filled in (product, shipping, billing, payment etc).

You can pretty much use this guide - to complete the order. Instead of using the /carts/mine endpoint, you'd replace /mine with the quote ID from earlier.

If you want me to finish the example fully, let me know.

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