Magento 1.9 – Fix customer_register_success Not Triggered


I would like to send an sms on every successful registration. Below is my code. But I am not sure whether the method is triggered after successful registration.


    <?xml version="1.0"?>

Inside local code pool, I have created namespace as Php and module as Sms.

code\local\Php\Sms\etc\config.xml as below


code\local\Php\Sms\Model\Observer.php as below

class Ucs_GlobalSms_Model_Observer {
  public function customerRegisterSuccess(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {
      $event = $observer->getEvent();
      $customer = $event->getCustomer();
      $email = $customer->getEmail();
          Mage::log('Successfully logged in', null, 'mylogfile.log');

      if($email) {


 * Dispatch Event
 * @param Mage_Customer_Model_Customer $customer
protected function _dispatchRegisterSuccess($customer)
    Mage::log('Successfully logged in'.$flag, null, 'syncProduct.log');
        array('account_controller' => $this, 'customer' => $customer)

But mylogfile.log is not at all creating. I guess customerRegisterSuccess is not triggered, should I do something to enable _dispatchRegisterSuccess method?

My questions are,

  1. Will magento log work on Observer.php?
  2. How to know whether my custom method triggered?
  3. Why my sms is not sending? (No issues with SMS api. It works fine in core php file)

Best Answer

you have to change <class>Php_Sms_Model_Observer</class> to <class>Php_Sms_Model</class>

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