Magento 1.7/1.8 – `customer_save_after` Event Not Working in Admin Side


I have a custom module which is used to observe for cusotmer_save_after event in admin side. I have added a custom tab profile at glance in Magento's customer module. I am using my module to store data that is collected through this custom tab in my custom table customer_customization.

My XML file is in app/code/local/Electronicsstore/Customization/etc/config.xml





My model observer file looks like this.

class Electronicsstore_Customization_Model_Observer

 * This method will run when the customer is saved from the Magento Admin
 * Use this function to update the customer model, process the
 * data or anything you like
 * @param Varien_Event_Observer $observer
public function saveCustomerCustomizationData(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
     echo "i am here";die();

        try {
           // do some model loads and checks here so that you will update existing data and not duplicate rows on editAction saves...\
            $frontendModel = Mage::getModel( 'customization/customization' );
            $frontendCollection=$frontendModel->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('parent_id', array('eq' => $object->getCustomerId()))->getFirstItem();

        catch (Exception $e) {


Note: die() is not working while saving customer data.

However, my observer seems to be not working. I don't know what it causes. Please help me to find out the problems with my code. This is the first time I am dealing with an observer in Magento. So suggest me the best practice while dealing with observers

Thanks in advance..

Best Answer

First of all adminhtml_customer_save_after is correct event take a look in \app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\controllers\CustomerController.php.

customer_save_after it is a different event for frontend.

But your class definition is wrong. Try this


Also do not forget to clear cache.

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