Dataflow Profiles – Import and Export Errors in Magento


Currently im pulling my hair out trying to get Magento to import a csv file.
I have followed the following steps.

  1. Exported csv from Magento to get the layout 100% correct.
  2. Opened it in OpenOffice as a UTF-8 with it Separated by Tab and Comma
  3. Saved it and reopened it in Notepad++
  4. Resaved it as UTF-8 without BOM
  5. Attempted upload only with the following options selected in the Dataflow Profiles.

    Entry Type > Products, Decimal separator > ., Type > CSV / Tab separated, Value Delimiter > \t, Enclose Values In > ", Original Magento Attributes names in first row > Yes.

  6. I then save, and upload the file, save and run the profile.

  7. Failed. See below for screenshots and my csv file.

The CSV File – Size 1945KB << NSFW

The Error – Screenshot External.

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Your CSV is not formatted correctly.

Do not separate it by "Tab" and "Comma", just comma. Steps 3 & 4 seem to be unnecessary (I have never need to do those steps in 5 years). I'm wondering what step broke your CSV to make it look like what it looks like now.

CSV Format

I edited your file correctly formatted it. Give this one a try.

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