Magento Stock Management – Debug/Disable Automatic Set Out of Stock When Lower Qty Reached


Magento Automatically set a product when a certain qty limit is reached:
system -> configuration -> catalog -> inventory -> Qty for Item's Status to Become Out of Stock

As pointed out by @pitmeister,Allow qty Below 0 should disable this behavior.

The problem is:

  • I already have Allow qty Below 0 (frontend/backend works as expected so status is not changed)
  • BUT: I'm importing stock information using a third party extension and the import action set product out of stock in case the qty imported is 0.

How can I debug this ? Where is the code that change product stock status to out of stock because of the Qty ?

Best Answer

If you allow backorders (Allow qty Below 0), the setting 'Stock Availability' will not be set to Out of Stock once the product reaches qty = 0