Magento 2: Dependent Groups on System Configuration


I know that to create a dependency for fields it's possible to use the node

<depends />

That said, I've been trying several ways to create a group dependency but I can't seem to find a way to make Magento use it, on the actual Form.php code it mentions


So it might be there but I haven't been able to leverage it.

Edit: On further investigation it seems it only loops through fields to read dependencies since on Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form::initFields()

foreach ($group->fields as $elements) {

It would still be a good thing to know how to achieve this

Best Answer

You can put JavaScript in the comment area. It can be something like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            if($('sections_groups_value').value != some_value){
        Event.observe('sections_groups_value', 'change', function(){
            if(this.value != some_value){
            }else if(this.value == some_value){

Replace "sections_groups_value", "some_value" and "sections_groups" accordingly.