Magento Collection – Difference Between getSize() and count()


I have heard many times that they both are the same. But I am facing a weird issue, in the product collection of CatalogSearch module, count() is returning correct product count while getSize() is returning zero.

So, basically this is what I am getting:

$collection->count(); //correct count
$collection->getSize(); //0

But I want the getSize() to have correct count as it decides whether to show pagination and products in the search page or not. I am using Inner Join, Left Join and Where condition only in the collection to be more specific.

Any ideas why I am getting this weird issue?



My previous question, How to clone the collection in Magento? I wanted to perform two different operations on one collection. The first collection shows correct getSize(), but then if the getSize() is zero, I removed the WHERE clause and gave new WHERE condition. After this, I am getting correct raw SQL what I expected, and running it in MySQL also gives a correct set of records, but only getSize() on the collection is giving zero counts.

So basically I may need to reload the collection, as getSize() is taking old count. Makes sense?

Best Answer

Most (if not all) the collections extend Varien_Data_Collection_Db. Here are the 2 methods from this class

public function getSize()
    if (is_null($this->_totalRecords)) {
        $sql = $this->getSelectCountSql();
        $this->_totalRecords = $this->getConnection()->fetchOne($sql, $this->_bindParams);
    return intval($this->_totalRecords);

public function count() //inherited from Varien_Data_Collection
    return count($this->_items);

There is a difference. For getSize() the collection is not loaded. For count() it is. Usually collection models use the same getSize() method as above and only override getSelectCountSql().
In getSelectCountSql() the limit is reset in order to get the total number of records available for the set filters (where statement). See how the getSelectCountSql() works

public function getSelectCountSql()
    $countSelect = clone $this->getSelect();
    return $countSelect;