Difference Between Magento and Magento


Magento has just released community edition

What's the difference with Only bugfixes from previous release or also other modifications?

Are there any backward-incompatible changes?

Is it also safe to upgrade directly from Magento

Best Answer

According to the release notes, the only known issue as of today is:

You currently cannot upgrade to this version using Magento Connect Manager. We expect to resolve this issue soon.

Here's the list of changes directly from the release notes: http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/m1x/ce19-ee114/ce1.9_release-notes.html#ce19-1931

Bug fixes:

  • We restored the old tax calculation algorithm for shipping charges. The patch to apply new calculation will be available on request.
  • Resolved an issue with setting the session lifetime to 0.
  • The monthly cron job that cleans up the table that contains IP addresses and passwords runs properly.
  • All configurable product images are imported.
  • You no longer get an exception due to an undefined addCrumbs() method call.
  • Resolved the error Notice: Undefined index: session_expire_timestamp when accessing the storefront.
  • Values for drop-down label values are saved correctly.
  • The "Price as configured" for bundle products displays correctly in the shopping cart.
  • Auto-generated passwords are sent to new customers as expected.
  • The method Mage_Api_Model_Server_Handler_Abstract::processingMethodResult() accepts scalar and array values.
  • The default MySQL Full-Text search works as expected; it no longer returns all products.
  • Catalog price rules return the correct price. Indexers now update all products instead of skipping the last product updated.

Security improvements:

  • Prevented a potential Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability by changing the form key when a customer signs out of the storefront.
  • Prevented a potential Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability when adding a category.

After checking it seems like there is only one security improvement in that you can find here: https://gist.github.com/digitalpianism/9750b55c021832514a25c92695d735d9 . Please note that this fix is not included in any security patch as of today. #2 in the list above seems to be a wrong copy/paste as a similar line was already in release notes

So there's no known backward incompatible changes between and BUT there is a backward incompatible change between 1.9.3 and you can find details here: https://magento.stackexchange.com/a/142013/2380

And yeah it's totally safe to upgrade directly from

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