Difference Between sales_order_place_after and sales_order_save_after in Magento


Magento 1 and Magento 2 both have the two event:

  1. sales_order_place_after
  2. sales_order_save_after.

I have some confusion about them, what is the detailed differences between them?

Which situation to use which?

Best Answer


  1. This event is dispatched after the order payment is placed.
  2. This event function from Mage_Sales_Model_Order::place() in Magento 1 & \Magento\Sales\Model\Order::place() in Magento 2


  1. This event is called every time the order is saved. For eg. Order status changed, invoiced, shipped & credit memo.
  2. This event extending the abstract model Mage_Core_Model_Abstract

    For eg. the Mage_Sales_Model_Order class event prefix is sales_order, so the actual after loading event’s name will be sales_order_load_after.