Magento Multistore Setup – Difference Between Website, Stores, and Store Views


I have been researching about multi website/store setups and am a little confused.

I completely understand how stores and store views work but my confusion is on the differnece between websites and stores.

From what I can see, websites allow customers to be shared between stores but not products or sales data and this is the primary difference. Either if this is true or not i am confused either way.

If it is true then why would you want to have customers shared over websites but not anything else

If it is not true then what is the point in websites?

Best Answer

Magento 2 has a 4-level hierarchy: Global, Website, Store (Store Group) & Store View.

This is the highest level in the Magento pyramid. Here you can set the only 3 options that will be the same for all stores:

  1. Stock - configure the main product settings.
  2. Price - define the same price for the products in all stores.
  3. Buyers - Merge all store customer data into one big database for all websites.


Global values are values that are out-of-the-box if the user has not specified. These values are usually defined within a modules etc/config.xml.

By default, a vanilla Magento install features:

  1. System configurations (dependent on their scope in declarative schema showInDefault, showInWebsite, showInStore) available in Admin > Stores > Configuration.
  2. No Products
  3. No Customers
  4. 1 Root Category + 1 Default Category without any products
  5. 1 Tax Rule: "Taxable goods", 3 Tax Zones / Rates: US-CA. A Non-taxable goods class is also available.
  6. 1 Website, 1 Store (Store group), 1 Store View.


With one Magento base, you can design various websites, for example, and The following can be configured per Website:

  1. Separate Payment methods.
  2. Separate Shipping methods.
  3. A totally separate Product base - products are required to be assigned to websites individually. They can have different prices / currencies / attribute values etc.
  4. Separate tax classes.
  5. Separate (base) currencies.
  6. Separate Customer base - It's up to you whether your customers can log in to all shops with the same credentials.
  7. System configurations (dependent on their scope in declarative schema showInDefault, showInWebsite, showInStore) available in Admin > Stores > Configuration. Mostly all configurations are configurable at this level.

For each website, you can create multiple stores, but all the information will be gathered in one admin panel.


It's possible to create several stores on one Magento 2 website. The following can be configured per Store:

  1. Different Root Categories which allows for different products to be assigned.

The following CANNOT be configured per Store:

  1. All the stores within one website share the same customer accounts.
  2. All stores share Shipping Methods.
  3. All stores share Tax Rates / Zones.
  4. All stores share Product stock.
  5. All stores share Product prices.
  6. All currencies are identical for all the stores.
  7. System configurations available in Admin > Stores > Configuration.
  8. EAV attributes across entities Customer (including Customer Address), Products, Categories cannot be configured on a Store Group level.

Store View

Finally, for every store, you can create several store views. The following can be configured per Store View:

  1. Different languages.
  2. Different currencies.
  3. Different design themes
  4. Certain Product EAV attributes can be different such as name, or tax class (dependent on their is_global / scope / is_user_defined properties).
  5. Different Category EAV attributes (such as name, or URL key).
  6. System configurations (dependent on their scope in declarative schema showInDefault, showInWebsite, showInStore) available in Admin > Stores > Configuration.

The following CANNOT be configured per Store View:

  1. All store views within one website share the same customer accounts.
  2. All store views share Shipping Methods.
  3. All store views share Tax Rates / Zones.
  4. All store views share Product stock.
  5. All store views share Product prices.
  6. All store views share the same Root Category.
  7. All currencies are identical for all the store views.


Here is more information on the subject with infographics!

Here is some information regarding Scope System Configuration

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