Magento – Different Prices for Different Store Views


I've been looking into this alot to try figure out what is going on.

This page on Magento docs says

Different factors can affect the price of the same product in one location and not another. For example, there might be additional costs to bring the product to market, and other considerations that impact the price of products sold in a specific store. The following illustration shows a multisite installation with the base currency set to the website level. In each store, the same product has a different price

My current setup has 1 website, inside this I have two stores €+£ and a corresponding store view for each €+£ again. My base currency is £ but both currencies are allowed in both store views. My Catalog Price Scope is set to Website, not Global.

According to the documentation above this should be working to set different prices for different stores but updating the price of a catalog item for one store view updates the prices for all.

I know from researching this that there is a few different paid extensions for this such as but I don't see why these are necessary if according to Magento docs it should just work.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The issue was resolved by creating different websites rather than just store views as shown here

enter image description here

The documentation on Magento docs was leading to the confusion because the graphic there indicates that it is done at a store level

enter image description here


Magemnto updated graphic ...

enter image description here

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