Magento – Disable cache for specific template


I am using the Optimiseweb Cookie Notice module:

I would need to disable the cache for the .phtml template. Here is the XML that takes care of loading the template file (as far as I understood):

<layout version="0.1.0">

        <reference name="head">
            <action method="addCss" ifconfig="optimisewebcookienotice/general/enabled">

        <reference name="before_body_end">
            <block type="cookienotice/notice" name="optimiseweb_cookienotice" as="OptimisewebCookienotice" template="optimiseweb/cookienotice/cookienotice.phtml" />


Edit: After the below comments, here is what I have now:

<layout version="0.1.0">


        <reference name="optimiseweb_cookienotice">
            <action method="setCacheLifetime">

        <reference name="head">
            <action method="addCss" ifconfig="optimisewebcookienotice/general/enabled">

        <reference name="before_body_end">
            <block type="cookienotice/notice" name="optimiseweb_cookienotice" as="OptimisewebCookienotice" template="optimiseweb/cookienotice/cookienotice.phtml" />



Is there a way that I can force the template to be not cached?

I have tried to change the cache lifetime in the block contruct function like below but that did not work:

protected function _construct() {

        'cache_lifetime' => null

Thanks in advance for any help on this!

Best Answer

you can use with xml like

You can use it

<reference name="your block">
    <action method="setCacheLifetime"><s>null</s></action>


<reference name="your block">
    <action method="setCacheLifetime" />

to set it to null.

or if you are using it by getChild then also pass as argument

You can disable cache in getChildHtml(). This is what the signature looks like:

public function getChildHtml($name = '', $useCache = true, $sorted = false)

This should do the trick:

echo $this->getChildHtml('block', false);