Magento – Disable cache on a block


Out of despair, I ask question here.

I have a phtml (top_links.phtml) file that is cached when I am not logged in but not cached when I am logged in. I need it to be never cached as I display the geolocation there.

I tried

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('topLinks',false); ?>

in the header.phtml

I tried

<block type="page/html" name="top.links2" as="topLinks" template="page/html/top_links.phtml"> 
            <action method="unsetData"><key>cache_lifetime</key></action>
            <action method="unsetData"><key>cache_tags</key></action>

in my layout.xml

I tried to do as recommended there.

none worked. Then I realized that when logged in, it is not cached…

Can somebody give me some pointers?

Thanks already

Best Answer

Start by identifying the block class instance by


Within the phtml file.

Then in the block (either by extending it if core, or editing it if local/community), define the cache lifetime.

There's three main (magic getter/setter) important functions used when Magento evaluates if a block is cacheable.

  • getCacheLifetime()
  • getCacheKeyInfo
  • getCacheTags

I say functions, but these are just the return methods for the $_data variables, so you could define the data in the block constructor.

Similarly, you can do this in your XML for a cleaner approach.

<action method="setCacheLifetime" />

I'll be honest and say I've never tried to set a null lifetime for a block in XML so I'm not fully sure if it will work, but it certainly works in the block class return method/constructor.

Be sure to set the lifetime to null - using 0 will still create a cache entry with 0 lifetime (thus filling your cache with thousands of surplus, unused cache entries).

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