Magento – Disable caching of header.phtml for one template


I'm trying to stop my header from being cached on my onestepcheckout page so we can remove large amounts of content and streamline the checkout. I've added a check to see if the current page is the checkout, if not it will output the content.

This all works fine, until I enable the cache. I've tried changing my checkout.phtml to echo $this->getChildHtml('header', false); but this did not work.

I've also tried to disable the headers cache in my local.xml file, but this again has not worked.

<reference name="header">
   <action method="unsetData"><key>cache_lifetime</key></action>
   <action method="unsetData"><key>cache_tags</key></action>

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, these seem to be the 2 methods that I've seen online for this and can't find anything that specifically refers to the header, and a lot talk about having to make custom modules to output the template content, I am sure there must be a simpler solution.

I'm running Magento 1.9.

Best Answer

cache_lifetime must be set to null to disable cache for this block

<reference name="header">
    <action method="setCacheLifetime">