Magento 1 – Disable Free Shipping with Catalog Price Rule


we use magento 1.8.1CE

People now get Free shipping over 49,95 (with free shipping shipment method)

But we want to disable this when a product gets a special price (defined by a catalog price rule).

But when they have a mixed cart ….
With some Sale items and some Not-Sale items, and the none sale items get over the 49,95 the free shipping is applied.

What i would like to have …
Is that the free shipping is only being calculated with non-sale items.

Can this be done in magento?

Best Answer

There is no relation between catalog rules and shipping methods. Basically shipping charges are applied after product and cart item prices.

Magento does not have a feature "Disable free shipping with Catalog Price Rule" by default.

See this link for further explanation: How to Ignore Catalog Pricing Rule when applying Shopping Cart Price Rule?

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