Magento – Disable modules via database


I don't have access to the backend and need to disable all the modules. How can I disable them via database?

Best Answer

This really depends.

In cases you just want to hide your module output it is enough to go to Magento admin System \ Advanced \ Advanced and disable your module output there.

In case you want to disable your module completely you will need a file access but even then you may get some surprises. Some modules are almost impossible to disable completely :-)

First and easiest way is to set <active>false</active> in your module bootstrap file.

However this will not eliminate your classes if some other modules are extending them. Deleting module files is also not an option as you will still need to remove extension declarations to avoid fatal errors. Also as Petar mention in comments if your extension is implementing custom backen model or something like this and there's also some entities relying on this model deleting extension files will again result in fatal error(s).

Additionally deleting files is not removing any database entries extension created during execution of install/update scripts and/or extension's functionality.