Disabling Magento 1 Modules for Performance Improvement


This question has 2 parts:

  1. Does disabling core modules improve overall performance of the store and if so, do they need disabled in the admin (i.e. disable frontend output) or disabled via config.xml for this performance improvement to be seen.

  2. If there is a performance improvement to be gained, which modules on a stock, CE build can be safely disabled, via the method answered in part 1.

Best Answer

  1. Yes it does. First of all, less modules means less code to (potentially) load and process. Next to that, a lot of modules, like for example the Mage_Rss module run a lot of code in the background like forcing reindexes on certain events.

    On the method best to use: disabling a module using System > Configuration > Advanced only suppresses the output of a module while still including the code of that Module in the shop. This is handy when you don't want a modules functionality but you need it's Models or Blocks for example because other (3th party) extensions depend on it. Disabling it using app/etc/modules/*.xml will completely remove it from the installation so performance wise this is the best option.

  2. I usually disable the following extension via XMl

    • Mage_Rss
    • Mage_PayPalUk
    • Mage_Tag (when not used in a project)
    • Mage_Poll (cause who uses polls anyway)
    • Phoenix_Moneybookers
    • Mage_Sendfriend
    • Mage_Rating (when not used in a project)
    • Mage_Bundle (again, if not required by client)
    • Mage_Downloadable (see above)

    and via System > Congiguration > Advanced the Mage_Adminnotification which suppresses those annoying popups in the backend.

    You can probably disable several more core extensions depending on what you're using or not. Just make sure that you don't compromise the stability of Magento. I guess this will take some trial and error.

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