Magento – Discount Calculation Bug


I upgraded recently from 1.7 to and I am wondering if this is a bug or if I just missed some new configuration, I am not using tax classes btw.

When creating a shopping cart price rule, (e.g. coupon, sub total equals or greater than 100, fixed discount for the whole cart 15), the discount applied on the subtotal diminishes with every additional product added if and only when setting "Stop further rules processing" to "Yes".

I tested this on a vanilla installation.

Best Answer

This is a bug which has been reported and was introduced in 1.9. There is flawed logic which means when using 'Stop Further Rules Processing' only the first product in the cart has the cart rule applied. Magento have said We are checking the issue as there are more reports related to it but I suspect a fix may be some time coming.

In the mean time we have created a module to fix the issue here.

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