Magento – Dislpay custom attribute in Product view page – in Product description template


I am working on magento 1.9.2 RWD theme and I am trying to display the product additional info via custom attribute.

I have created the attribute –
Admin Default Store View
faq FAQ

I added a new block FAQ in the layout.xml and it is displaying on the product page.When I am adding an cms block it is displaying properly.

But When I am trying to get the value of faq attribute through admin panel it is giving error and not displying. My code of faq.phtml in the product/view/faq.phtml are as follow-


 * Product description template


 * @see Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Description




 $_product = $this->getProduct();

//$pid= $_product->getId();

//$_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($pid);

/*  $ids = $_product->getCategoryIds();

 $categoryId = (isset($ids[0]) ? $ids[0] : null); */


 if($_product->getFAQ()){ ?>

    <?php echo $_product->getFAQ();?>

 <?php } ?>

I am getting the below Error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getFAQ() on null in /home/berkowitsclinic/public_html/ on line 107

please help.

Best Answer

Login you admin Catalog->attribute->Mange attribute select faq

change Used in Product Listing should be Yes

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