Display Reduced Amount and Percentage in Magento Cart



The amount reduced will be shown in percentage in above link.

I need to display percentage of discount along with "HOW MUCH PRICE SAVED

IN NUMBER", as like this :

You Save: 5,810.00 (18%)


what changes I have to do for this.

please help me to find solution.

thanks in advance

Best Answer

goto app/design/frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product/ and copy price.phtmlto app/design/frontend/Your_theme/default/template/catalog/product/ now in price.phtml find for this code

<?php endif; /* if ($_finalPrice == $_price): */ ?>

above this code add following code

<?php if($_finalPrice < $_price): ?>
    $_savePercent = 100 - round(($_finalPrice / $_price) * 100); 
    $_saveAmount = number_format(($_price - $_finalPrice), 2);  
        <p class="yousave">
            <span class="price-label label">You Save: </span>
            <span class="price">
                <strong class="save-amount">$<?php echo $_saveAmount; ?></strong> (<?php echo $_savePercent; ?>%)
    <?php endif; ?>